Context magazine does it again! But this time online. Blunt was thrilled to learn that CAPP’s Context Magazine, for which Blunt is a collaborator (providing both design and writing services), won a Golden Quill recognition from the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC). CAPP won a Merit Award for Context Magazine – the now fully digital product. Since 2012, Blunt has been working with the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, helping to produce Context (first in print and now in digital form).Today, Context has evolved into a fully digital product, informing oil and gas participants, the public and other interested stakeholders about the Canadian energy industry through relevant articles, profiles and engaging infographics.
Blunt did the initial market research and recommendations report that spawned Context. In addition, Blunt produced the first issue of Context for CAPP and helped find an editor for the publication. For five years, Context was published in its print form. In 2017, the magazine moved to a fully digital product. Blunt again helped with the market research to prove up a digital platform. Today, we produce nearly all of the infographics for the online publication as well as providing writing services for articles and profiles.
We are thrilled to work with CAPP on this great publication and are honoured to be part of the team that has earned this distinction from such a prestigious organization.